Wednesday 6 January 2016

Microplastic update: Obama bans microbeads!

A few blogs ago I mentioned that laws were being drawn up to phase out microplastics in the USA. Well it's good news. Last week (28/12/15) President Obama signed a bill banning microbeads in facewash, toothpaste, and shampoo from 2017. Go Obama!

President Obama has banned microbeads. Source.
Now, it's time for the UK to step up as well. Sign this petition to call for our government to ban microbeads and halt microplastic pollution.

It's time for Dave to step up and face the microplastics. Source.


  1. Hi Lucy,
    Wow, result for the marine world!
    How nice it is to read such a positive post - it certainly restores faith in the morals and ability of world leaders to make a significant change to the state of the world at the hands of humanity!
    I will definitely be signing the petition!

    1. Hi Caitlin, I'm really glad you've signed the petition!

  2. Hi Lucy, I'm so so pleased about this ban. I think so few people are actually aware that microbeads are an issue and therefore don't know about the need to take action or how to do it. The USA is doing a great job leading the way with the legislation on this and like you say we need to get the UK on it too! Signed the petition.

    1. Hi Holly, I am really pleased about how quickly the USA have taken action too. It is great to see threats to the environment taken seriously and acted upon accordingly.

  3. I am very happy with this decision that microbeads banned in the united states. This one is a great decision.
